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GDL Maps

GDL focuses on providing accurate and current base maps and lease ownership maps in Texas and Louisiana. A multitude of various other maps are available in our archives.


Tobin base maps

Tobin base maps on a scale of 1" = 2,000' show the location of all wells drilled, as well as cultural data. Our in-house drafting department follows weekly drilling permit and completion activity. By keeping these maps up-to-date, members can utilize them in their hunt for the next big discovery.

Tobin Lease maps

GDL receives updated Tobin lease maps on a monthly basis. As members generate leads and prospects, these reliable lease-ownership maps on a scale of 1" = 3,000' are available for review to answer the big question - do I lease or farm-in?

Louisiana Hearing Maps

Due to its commitment to maintain key information from the State of Louisiana, GDL has an inventory of Louisiana Department of Conservation Hearing Records and Maps from the most recent back to 1938. Chances are, if you are working in a mature field in Louisiana, you can use these geological maps in your interpretation process.

Other Maps

Texas County Maps - These maps are useful in determining road access to well locations.

Regional Production Maps - These maps display production and productive trends across the United States.

Digital 7.5 Minute USGS Quadrangle Raster Maps (1:24,000) - Scalable display of Texas and Louisiana, contoured with three-dimensional perspective, draw and measure. 

Measles immunization




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